Pinching myself…

I'm finding I'm almost pinching myself as we start making arrangements for our first visit to the upcoming London Coffee Festival next month...just visiting, just engaging, just enjoying and no doubt learning.

Almost two years ago we were on our BA flight back from Kenya and I was looking for something to watch - this film was listed. Keep in this point Peter had only discussed with me a few days prior that he felt the way forward for us now, (post redundancy) was to look into the roasting malarkey!

Nothing else listed on the films selection engaged so I gave this a, I loved it!

The world of coffee is phenomenal and we are only skimming onto it.

For us as roasters it's about the beginning...the land, the seed, the crop, the growth, the maintenance, and absolutely...the people...BUT so far, due to Covid, we can only learn from afar. One day we shall get over to meet with our farmers, worldwide, and embrace to the max...and learn, admire and respect.

If you haven't seen this film yet...give it a go! Its fascinating!



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